Tires are one important part of the motorcycle, the length of life of a tire hanging from a motorcycle tire maintenance itself.
To be more durable tire, there are a few tips oncaring for motorcycle tires, with attention to the following, in addition to extend the life oftires will also save the cost to purchase a new motorcycle tires.
Some tips on caring for motorcycle tires among them:
1. Checking tire pressure and wind conditions on a regular basis.
2. When the motorcycle was parked in a long time, use the standard middle to reducepressure on the tires.
3. If the tire which can damage the liquid like oil or gasoline, immediately clean andwash with soap to avoid damage to the tire.
4. Avoid contact with sunlight for a long time, because the sun's heat can cause tirerubber character changed.
5. If the tire has passed the age limit of use, immediately replace with new tires.