Definition of Tingling / numbness (paresthesias)

Surely among us have experienced such thing as tingling, but what exactly is the definition of tingling or numbness in the mean itself? Tingling or numbness or paresthesias medical terms it is a manifestation of symptoms of sensory nervous system disorders due to electrical stimulation in the system is not channeled in full because of a variety of reasons, one example is the closed circulation because there are parts of the body bent or folded at the time a long time, so blood flow to the body part that is not smooth.

Tingling that is not accompanied by other symptoms usually indicate a disturbance in the receptors in the skin or in the branches of peripheral nerves. But we must be more vigilant if there are other symptoms outside the pins. Not only paralysis, tingling can also be accompanied by visual impairment, hearing loss, a combination of both, or other. Therefore, it is important for us to always maintain health and ensure the condition of the body in top shape, if there is an ongoing complaint, such as tingling that do not heal, better get it checked by a doctor.