Had time to open my email inbox immediately attracted to one email from the team SEO contest, the contents of which invited me to follow SEO contests organized are new this year. Actually I am also interested in SEO contest like this, reckoning tested the ability in the field of SEO blogs, but to face the master of SEO, of course, I am no match, as in last year's contest Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia held by Toyota, in fact my blog even fell in sequence at the end .. : D
Indeed at that time I've been lazy optimization articles, because his rival is too much, so just can take t-shirts from Toyota as a souvenir.
Back to the email just now, after I check the website, it has a lot of bloggers who follow, and the prize is also pretty good, a champion of one to Rp. 6.000.000, champion two Rp. 4.000.000, champion three to Rp.3,000,000, and champion four Rp.2.000.000.
For SEO warriors this certainly is good news, let alone this year is another season many blog contest, be it SEO contest and contest review. But to my diligent, industrious middling update blog articles alone, let me pennies continue to flow .. : D