For heartburn sufferers maintain your diet and lifestyle are very important, because if the wrong kind can be aggravate stomach ulcers, and it's very disturbing event, even supposing there is a wad of money in front of the eyes but still not happy, because tormented by pain and pain from ulcers . Heartburn drug sold is generally not a good idea you know, if consumed too frequently, if not heartburn persisted should immediately see a doctor expert, so know the exact cause of your ulcer.
If my experience is that once exposed to a sudden and ulcer associated with mystical things, medications that doctors actually do not heal, but only to relieve heartburn, so at any time if the ulcer was still able to attack the physical condition and stress not maintained. At that time I got to the endoscopic ulcer, and tired of taking medication the doctor finally took alternative medicine such as drinking the decoction of turmeric regularly, eating chicken eggs and honey, and the most potent drug that is consuming a type of plant leaves eaten, but I do not know what the name the plant, just plant food like grass cow.
The most important medicine for heartburn is actually by changing patterns of life, if they were like staying up late is worth less, who had stopped smoking if possible, just avoiding things that can trigger excessive stomach acid production, as well as controlling the level of stress. Some say heartburn can not be cured, but in my opinion it is not true, if we want to try and pray sure all diseases can be cured, believe it would be greatness, so for my friends who happened to be heartburn now do not be sad , due to ulcer disease is a very common disease, even as I write this still feels a little-bit heartburn I suffered from a year ago, still the spirit of them, keep their activities as usual .. :)