Breakfast With Teh Tarik Is More Delicious

Morning is the beginning of our activity, so it would be nice if in the morning before starting our jobs consume foods that can maintain the vitality until lunch time, it is very important to maintain the condition of our bodies to stay fit.

For breakfast menu was presented earlier in the post yesterday, which is one of the breakfast menu with nasi lemak . As a complement to breakfast menu, will be more stable when combined with a fresh drink, here we take the example of teh tarik.

Teh tarik

Teh tarik made from steeping tea drag mixed with full cream milk, and served with a mixture of hot water. What makes the taste of tea is a special attraction that is in the manufacturing process, where I set it up is by using two glass / teapot, and how to mix the tea with water pouring tea in each cup in turn, as shown in the picture below.

The process of making teh tarik

Tea produced from the process of 'withdrawn' as this will taste better and makes the tea a little bubbly water because the process of withdrawal earlier. This teh tarik drinks menu is perfect for served with snack or nasi lemak as breakfast menu.